caltrans lane closure charts

Avoid these difficulties by bringing the temporary surfacing back onto the existing highway in a square joint. To sign up for the training, submit a training request in Staff Central for this course by following the instructions on the Division of Construction's How to Request Training intranet page. Check railing alignment for any substantial offset to each other. Review Section 12-3.11, Construction Area Signs, of the Standard Specifications for additional requirements. Verify that the contractor is prepared to comply with TMPs related to work performance. the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign shall be placed at the end of lane closure during hours of darkness. Look in the resident engineers pending file for design assumptions and estimate calculations. Remind the contractor to notify the regional notification centers before digging for the installation of signposts. Remind the contractor of the requirement to complete the LCS web-based training. Request the user interface software and provide it to the Transportation Management Center for installation. Users include motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians within the highway, including persons with disabilities, defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). When estimating COZEEP hours, take the following CHP operating policies into account: The detail estimate will show the initial funding level provided for COZEEP as supplemental funds for state-furnished materials and services. If the contractor is to place the traffic control system repeatedly in the same place, the contractor can request to mark on the shoulder the locations of advance warning signs, cones, and drums. The change order must clearly state there will be adjustment on the traffic control system item by reason of this change. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. Do not allow the application of temporary pavement delineation over existing pavement delineation. Verify that all the necessary signs, cones, drums, and other equipment are on hand before the system is set up for the first time. Closures that will reduce horizontal or vertical clearances require even more notification. Do not allow the contractor to use the double-stick butyl pads provided by the channelizer manufacturer; these pads do not meet Caltrans requirements. Verify that the contractor uses the LCS Mobile website to status closures in a timely manner. For example, compensate for a sharper curve with solutions such as increased lane width or a clear recovery zone. CHP invoices will include monthly charges for services provided. Automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) can be used in place of flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Reason for Traffic Control for Water Replacement Project by Lakeside Water District. Make sure your designated staff and other state staff involved with traffic control attend the meeting when possible. Provide the contractor with the internet link to access the LCS web-based training. Both the senior officer and the project supervisor should sign the completed COZEEP daily report. A general time-scaled logic diagram displaying the major activities and sequence of planned activities that comply with special provision requirements. The district railroad liaison agent should report to the Public Utilities Commission any proposed detours that include an at-grade railroad crossing. The contractors responsibility to submit a Form CEM-2311, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Compliance Report, within 2 business days after construction of a temporary pedestrian access route, and a Form CEM-2312, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Weekly Report, within 2 business days of completing a weekly inspection. Retain documentation of these reviews in Category 6, Safety, of the project records. SEE NOTE 2 END ROAD WORK G20-2 B 100' 10-20-10 48" x 24" 237 Caltrans announced a 59-hour weekend closure of Seacliff off and on ramps on southbound Highway 101 in Ventura County . Temporary crash cushions may be installed on wooden pallets as an option. Verify that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Verify visibility and legibility requirements. The Caltrans QuickMap drop down menu labeled Options enables the layer to be turned on or off. Verify that the contractor installs, relocates, covers, and removes signs as required. Moving closures are 10-97 before the actual start time of the closure, and 10-98 after the actual end time of the closure. The Angeles CREST Highway (SR-2) is in the jurisdiction of Caltrans. Check Current Highway Conditions Enter Highway Number(s) You can also call 1-800-427-7623 for current highway conditions. The following are typical situations in which field adjustments are necessary: If long closures are unavoidable, protect the active work area by placing barricades or drums across the closed lanes, upstream of the work area. Verify that crash cushion module arrays are installed according to the manufacturers instructions. These Standard Specifications sections apply to pedestrian facilities: Verify that the contractor adheres to the following: At the preconstruction conference, discuss the need for temporary pedestrian facilities and ADA requirements. To order work by the CHP, complete and use Form CEM-2102, COZEEP/ MAZEEP Task Order. Before ordering the work, and while preparing the task order, check that: CHP support is appropriate for the type of work to be performed. Depending on the complexity of the work or the magnitude of anticipated effects, a TMP may provide closure charts, standard special provisions for maintaining traffic, traffic control plans, andfor major projectsa separate comprehensive report. Verify Type K temporary railing is placed on a firm, stable foundation uniformly graded throughout the entire length of the railing. Keep the projects completion dates current in the LCS. Verify that the contractor provides a Type 1 or Type 2 for each closure as shown on Standard Plan T26 and T27, respectively. The contract item for the traffic control system includes payment for portable signs, cones, delineators, and flashing arrow signs as shown on the plans for the traffic control system and impact attenuator vehicle. Verify the district traffic manager reviews a closure request for conflicts before approving it. Review the requests to avoid oversights and overbooking. The contract item for a temporary flashing beacon system, commonly bid as furnish-each or furnish-lump sum, includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the system. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price. Confirm flaggers are wearing American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-compliant garments in accordance with the Construction Safety Orders of the California Department of Industrial Relations, or the prime contractors or subcontractors Injury and Illness Prevention Program or Code of Safe Practices, whichever is more stringent. Review the closure requests for compliance with the closure requirements charts and other contract requirements. Withhold some payment from progress pay estimates to cover the cost of removing temporary crash cushion modules. Confine the work area to as short a distance as practical. It is not necessary to restudy impact previously studied during planning and design unless significant commercial development has occurred in the area in the interim. The contractor will not be able to access projects in LCS after the completion date. When crossovers are not in use, place positive barriers across entry areas. Locate the transition so it is visible to the approaching motorist. Periodically review the portable signal system to document its maintenance. Additional funds may be obtained for capital projects and maintenance funded projects as follows: The resident engineer and project engineer share responsibilities for COZEEP implementation and funding allocation. Confirm that advance warning signs for the new taper are located correctly. All cones should use the same type and brand of retroreflective sheeting. Information such as lane closure charts and road user costs will be added to the TMP once the project moves into the . They are absolute. If the contractor requests additional CHP support beyond what the project plan includes, you may, if appropriate, write a change order. Document this inspection in the daily report; indicate weather, traffic conditions, and time of inspection. Review Section 12-4.05, Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities," of the Standard Specifications. Verify that temporary traffic stripe tape for use more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and temporary traffic stripe tape to remain in use 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. Every five minutes LCS reports all approved closures planned for the next 7 days, plus all current lane, ramp, and road closures due to maintenance, construction, special events, etc. The railroad company should be represented at a preconstruction meeting to discuss the schedule of work over or near railroad facilities. A median barrier, bridge rail, or retaining wall may block worker escape routes. If the safe operating speed of traffic through a work zone is significantly less than the approach speed of highway traffic, a reduced work-zone regulatory speed limit may be established. For the use of amber flashing lights and for driving and parking in a closed lane at night, refer to the, Verify all equipment is visible to traffic as required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8 (8 CCR), Industrial Relations., Review closure layouts for visibility and effectiveness. When planning for pedestrians in work zones, verify that the contractor does the following: When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed, or relocated, the temporary facilities should be detectable and include accessibility features consistent with those in the existing pedestrian facility. Consult with the district traffic engineer for other acceptable means to protect the sign instead of the Type K temporary railing required by the specifications. They require lane closure charts that specify when and how many lanes may be closed for construction. Provide notification of planned sidewalk closures. Avoid sharply angled tapers. Systems affecting traffic in both directionsInstall the first sign drivers will see traveling in the opposing direction. Caltrans TMP for the Bay Bridge Full Closure. Retroreflective sleeves on traffic cones. Verify channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation are predominantly orange and the surface- mounted type. Major lane closuresthose expected to result in significant traffic effects despite the implementation of TMPs. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. Complete training in one sitting. Portable delineators are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. If flaggers are to be used, have flaggers take their stations; then move workers and equipment onto the road. Emergency closures can be searched under Statewide. Verify the contractor completely installs the traffic control system before commencing work. Welcome to Caltrans Planned Lane Closures The following reports are a public service of Caltrans. Refer to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications, and Topic 902, Sight Distance and Clear Recovery Zone Standards, of the Highway Design Manual. Section 4-73, Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks, of this manual provides policies and procedures for those facilities. When pilot vehicles are used, radios are required. A contractors failure to perform is cause to suspend work. All traffic control devices should conform to Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, of the Standard Specifications. Notify the district transportation management center when unforeseen traffic delays result from planned work. The contractor develops a contingency plan and submits it within 1 day of the resident engineers request or as specified in the Standard Special Provisions. Review the project for indications of driving difficulty. Determine the exact location of the temporary signs and when they are no longer needed for the direction of traffic. Prohibit the use of traffic cones that have been damaged or coated with asphalt or other substances that prevent the cones from functioning as intended. Do not use a reduced regulatory speed limit as a substitute for other means of creating a safe roadway. Feb 26 *State Route 39 in Angeles National Forest* SR-39 is CLOSED starting at East Fork Road until further notice due to snow, ice & a rock slide in one spot. If necessary, direct the contractor in writing to act at once to remedy any issue not in compliance with the contract: If the contractor cannot address the traffic safety issue because of a lack of materials and it is safe to do so, consider temporarily suspending the work until correction can be made. Within 45 calendar days of receipt of the invoice, the district COZEEP coordinator reviews and approves the summary and submits it for payment to the Caltrans Division of Accounting, which uses it as the receiving record for payment. Do not allow the use of power from private parties to power the temporary flashing beacon system. Caltrans is working to clear the roads in order to reopen them. Determine if the temporary traffic control devices to be used are on the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials and if they require a certificate of compliance. For high-visibility garment requirements refer to Section 2-106D, High-Visibility Garment, of this manual. The resident engineer has the responsibility and authority for administering the traffic control plan and all other aspects of safety on construction projects. Request a certificate of compliance for each portable changeable message sign. Provide the following information to the district railroad liaison agent who will forward it to the Public Utilities Commission: If construction involves structure work, send a copy of the above information to Structure Design. Verify the channelizers post is predominantly orange. For public convenience, such as routing traffic through detours when not shown on the plans and when ordered by the engineer, providing flaggers is change order work for which Caltrans pays 100 percent. Treat the traffic lanethe path the car is intended to followas a critical element of the roadway. If they dont, the Standard Special Provisions govern. Avoid placing entering transitions on or just beyond horizontal curves or the crest of a summit vertical. Create a Requestor LCS account and set the option in the account to status closures for those who will request and status closures. May 5, 2020 Mr. Patrick McDaniel California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2840 Mt. Chapter 1 - Caltrans Construction Organization, 4-1202B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1202B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1202B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1202B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1202B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1202B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1202B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1202B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1202C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1203B (10) Temporary Crash Cushion Module, 4-1203B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1203B (16) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1203B (17) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1203B (18) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1203B (19) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1203B (20) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1203B (21) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1203C (1b) Contingency Plans for Closures, 4-1203C (1d) Status Updates for Authorized Closures, 4-1203C (1f) Placement Sequence and the Start of Work, 4-1203C (1i) Reverse Operations Inside Closures, 4-1203C (2)Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (3) Bridge Cleaning and Painting Activities, 4-1203D (3) Temporary Lane Line and Center Delineation, 4-1203D (4) Temporary Edge Line Delineation, 4-1203D (5) Temporary Traffic Stripe Tape, 4-1203D (6) Temporary Traffic Stripe Paint, 4-1203D (7) Temporary Pavement Marking Tape, 4-1203D (8) Temporary Pavement Marking Paint, 4-1203E Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, 4-1206B Temporary Traffic Control Devices, 4-1206B (9) Temporary Crash Cushion Modules, 4-1206B (13) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1206B (15) Temporary Flashing Beacon Systems, 4-1206B (16) Automated Work Zone Information Systems, 4-1206B (17) Portable Transverse Rumble Strips, 4-1206B (18) Portable Radar Speed Feedback Sign Systems, 4-1206B (19) Automated Flagger Assistance Devices, 4-1206B (20) Temporary Automated End of Queue Warning System, 4-1202 B (14) Portable Changeable Message Signs, 4-1202C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, 4-1203C (2) Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, CalOES: Power Outage and Fire Recovery Resources. CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-91 East East Wed Mar 1 2023, 10:01PM Lasting 7 hours Full closure lasting 7 hours on On Ramp for Electrical Work affecting All lane(s) in District: 12 From: Beach Blvd, Rte 39 Buena Park to Artesia Frwy, Rte 91 Buena Park View on Google MapsID: C91QA-0018-2023-03-01-22:01:00 Verify that temporary traffic control devices comply with the contract requirements. Facilitates review and approval of TMP measures and planned lane closure requests. Acting as a resource for the resident engineer, construction engineer, DTM, and TMP manager during TMP implementation and reviewing the contractors construction contingency plan. The contractor is responsible for accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone whenever the work disrupts pedestrian facilities. Refer to Part 6, Chapter 6D, "Pedestrian and Worker Safety," of the California MUTCD. Links Regional Sites Dated notations or revisions to plans may be helpful. Make sure that the contractor places the portable radar speed feedback sign systems as shown on Standard Plans T18, T19, T20, and T21 and as far from the traveled way as practical, where it is visible and legible to approaching traffic, taking into account any vertical or horizontal roadway curvatures. CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-38 East / West Active Thu Mar 2 2023, 6:01AM Lasting 14 hours One-Way Traffic closure lasting 14 hours on Conventional Hwy for Emergency Work affecting #1, Right Shoulder lane (s) in District: 8 From: Old Mill Creek Rd Mentone to Jenks Lake Rd Angelus Oaks View on Google Maps ID: C38EA-0004-2023-03-02-06:01:52 A planned lane closure list for an entire route within California Total # of Existing Lanes The number of lanes on a freeway, highway or surface street Abbreviations Hwy Highway NB,EB,WB,SB Northbound, Eastbound, Westbound, Southbound S/O South of Closure ID Closure ID # Closure Identification Number. Verify the contractor installs Type P or Type R markers when required. The request has been submitted in a timely manner. Consider how the shape and the light versus the shadow of falsework openings will appear in daytime and at night. The reviewer should determine that the plan can be implemented and that it adequately facilitates the movement of trafficincluding bicycles, motorcycles, and pedestrians. Caltrans and the CHP have an interagency agreement that is the basis for the Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP). If temporary traffic control devices are damaged, displaced, or stop operating or functioning as described from any cause during the progress of the work, have the contractor repair, repaint, or replace the components and restore them to their original locations and positions. Temporary traffic control devices are divided into categories: The condition of temporary traffic control devices should comply with the most current edition of the American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) publication Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices and Features. Record inspection dates and conditions observed in the project records. PCMS are working equipment when actively displaying a message, otherwise they are nonoperating. Construction staff needs to complete the job-related temporary pedestrian facilities training within 6 months of assignment to inspect or administer contracts if they have not taken the online training within the previous 3 years. Travel Alert California Winter Weather Wind, rain and snow -- heavy at times -- are forecast through early March Winter Driving Tips : be prepared, pack your patience and travel safely Know before you go: National Weather Service - Caltrans Social Media - Road Information or call 1-800-427-7623 Options Zoom to. Once the district COZEEP coordinator receives the COZEEP daily reports, they should be logged into the COZEEP service summary to track COZEEP use. Confirm that AFAD are placed in accordance with the plans and where clearly visible to the AFAD operator and to approaching traffic. For a detailed discussion of acceptable temporary delineation methods, refer to Section 4-12, Temporary Traffic Control, of this manual. Routinely inspect temporary pedestrian facilities for compliance. Acts as a resource for the resident engineer, the DTM, and the TMP manager during TMP implementation. In metropolitan areas, this type of warning may be feasible with cooperation of the transportation management center. Traffic control systems conform to the Standard Plans, unless the contract specifies otherwise. Request an impact study for ramp closures of short duration where the possibility of adverse results or sufficient public concern exists to identify effects on adjacent businesses. If a discrepancy occurs between the contract plans and specifications and the California MUTCD, the plans and specifications govern. The records form may vary according to the magnitude and complexity of the subject. Verify that construction area signs are placed outside the traveled way, do not block or protrude more than 4 inches into bicycle and pedestrian routes, and comply with Americans with Disabilities Act requirements. Chapter 2: Safety and Traffic, Section 2: Traffic. Verify that Category 3 temporary traffic control devices are on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Once assigned to the project, do the following: When others administer the contract, oversight of traffic through and around a work zone involves overseeing and working with the local agency or private entitys resident engineer. The design phase of a project considers accommodating pedestrians through or around the work zone. Length of closureAvoid long closures with no evidence of activity. Anticipated cooling times needed for asphalt concrete pavements before opening a lane, shoulder, or ramp to public traffic. Verify that the contractor has all components on hand before setting up any traffic control system and that all components meet the specifications requirements. Adjustments should be made to create adequate sight distance, to avoid locations that require drivers to make multiple decisions, to accommodate expected queues, and to coordinate activities at multiple locations. Closures are reported and managed using the web-based Lane Closure System (LCS) Mobile application. If differences exist, try to make them readily apparent. In Part 4, identify a Caltrans project supervisor, usually the resident engineer or an assistant resident engineer. Each flag shall be at least 16" x 16" Verify that automated flagger assistance devices (AFAD) comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.38 Automated Flagger Assistance Devices of the Standard Specifications. Perform additional reviews periodically throughout the construction project, since changes may affect the facilitys effectiveness. Obtain from the contractor, the completed Form CEM-2311, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Compliance Report, within 2 business days after construction of a temporary pedestrian access route. Glare conditions in rain, at night, or when facing the rising or setting sun may affect driver decisions. Any part of the project within the limits stated in the order becomes a legal speed zone when signs are placed. If closure of an existing pedestrian route is required because of the contractors means and methods, remind the contractor of their responsibility to design and construct a TPAR at their expense, and obtain authorization to proceed with the work activities. If the cancellation form indicates a fee is being charged, retain the form in the project records under Category 21, Construction or Maintenance Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program, and send a copy to the district COZEEP coordinator. The area where the surfacing joins the existing roadway can be critical. If you accept a closure request, the status will change to PENDING. If you reject a closure request, LCS will send the contractor an email asking for a correction and resubmission. Verify that one type of crash cushion module is used for a single grouping or array. Serves as a liaison between Construction, the DTM, and the TMP manager. A desirable standard consists of full width lanes plus an effective width of constructed shoulder. Category 2 devices include barricades and portable sign supports. End-of-queue management is desirable at locations where traffic queues are anticipated. Imposing a 24-hour-a-day regulatory speed reduction can be difficult to justify and obtain approval for. Where possible, compensate for a required reduction of one by an improvement of another. 2 Comments. Check the exposed surfaces of Type K temporary railing to verify they have received a fresh coat of white paint before initial placement on the job. The Angeles FOREST Highway is under our jurisdiction and closures for this highway can be found on our website. The cost estimate used in the plans, specifications, and estimate is based on the expected number of events needing COZEEP identified during project development. The public distribution of the environmental document includes local businesses that may be affected and notifies them of any public hearing. The resident engineer may accept use of contractor-proposed devices on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. If a notice of change is received, attach a copy to your copy of the COZEEP daily report, and submit the original to the district COZEEP coordinator. In the daily report, enter a description of the services the CHP provided, such as traffic breaks, stationary patrol upstream of the work area, or circulating patrol, and complete the CHP officer and CHP vehicle information. lcs ver This application is being updated for digital accessibility and will continue to function while updates are in progress. Verify temporary pavement delineation is maintained until it is replaced with the permanent pavement delineation. Construction situations frequently require a lateral shifting of traffic in relation to the normal path of travel and may involve dropping a lane. For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments.

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