machine elves demons

Learn all you need to know including procedures and safety. And what was going on in this place aside from the tastefully soffited indirect lighting, and the crawling geometric hallucinations along the domed walls, what was happening was that there were a lot of ahh.. beings in there, what I call self-transforming machine elves. In the West, the psychiatrist Rick Strassman was the first to conduct human research with DMT at the University of New Mexico throughout the early 1990s. 2020-07-09 03:09:08 DMT Machine/Clockwork elves, Dark Jesters, Djinn, Demons, Extra Dimensional beings, Aliens, Spirit Guides, Coices crazy people hear, Familiars, and whatever else people call them. "YouTube machine elves and DMT, you will be amazed." "It is typically smoked or vaporized, but it can be consumed orally if done so in combination with a monoamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI)," explains Dr. Steve Thayer, a clinical psychologist and host of the podcast "Psychedelic Therapy Frontiers," in an email interview. They are friendly and harmless and one of them we even named the little trickster. They come in all shapes and sizes and some appear to have sort of an invisibility cloak but you can still see their transparent figure. Individuals also report seeing Gaia (Mother Earth), demigods, goddesses, demons, angels, souls, spiritual elders, and religious figures like Buddha, Jesus Christ, Krishna, and Muhammad. If you are neutral, machine elves are neutral. An overwhelming majority reported having seen some kind of entity, whether machine elves or not; 94 percent said they'd encountered "other beings." They are neither demons nor angels nor mortals. The drug is known for its powerful hallucinogenic properties, which take roughly 15 minutes to come into effect. According to Terence Mckennas thought-provoking and humorous take on this topic: If an extraterrestrial wanted to interact with a human society, and it had ethics that forbade it from landing trillion ton beryllium ships on the United Nations plaza in other words if it were subtle I can see hiding yourself inside a shamanic intoxication. DMT The Spirit Molecule is a 2010 documentary that overviews DMT from a multidisciplinary perspective, incorporating ethnobotany, modern neuroscience, spirituality, and more. This ranges from the ancient shamanic traditions of Native Americans to indigenous Australian and African tribes. Terence Mckenna believed in the independent existence of these entities, claiming the alternate realities form an ecology of souls within a raging universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien.. DMT is one of the most potent entheogens known to man, and the trip it induces is significantly different than other psychoactive substances. In his book, Evans-Wentz claims that the realm containing these little people exists as a supernormal state of consciousness into which men and women may enter temporarily in dreams, trances, or in various ecstatic conditions. Along similar lines, perhaps DMT also grants entrance to the realms the Celtic people spoke of more than a century ago. I'm going to ask them this stuff should I encounter them. In light of reports like these, Strassman hypothesizes that endogenous DMT release from the pineal gland could account for alien abduction experiences. Have an evaluation. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this.. Yet, why do you not concern yourself, with the content which the mind is occupied? The surviving half-fiend offspring of House Dlardrageth fled to Siluvanede, around 5000 DR. The Dao is derived from the Supreme Being, which isnt an individual entity but more like an unborn field of pure intelligence, which is weightless and formless that permeates all that exists and all that is beyond manifestation. It's "used ceremonially by indigenous cultures, recreationally by psychonauts, and is being studied in clinical trials as a potential treatment for mental health conditions like depression and anxiety," says Thayer. I believe the 3 rules of don't worry should apply to your current situation. Machine elves are hyper-dimesional sentient beings that love to play with whomever they can play with in their realm. It helps us to make sense of things in a way that we can understand. Which is interesting to say the least. This is too proximal. Read to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely. 8 hrs. The truth is shamans, and native Americans were the most violent. Do it! These self-transforming machine elf creatures were speaking in a colored language which condensed into rotating machines that were like Faberg eggs but crafted out of luminescent. How to Ground After DMTKnowing what to expect from a DMT comedown can help you integrate the experience to gain as much value as possible from your journey. "The hallucinations vary widely, but usually involve geometric patterns, vivid colors and contact with 'entities,'" Thayer says. "Invariably, profound and highly intense experiences occurred," the researchers wrote. Its not like some kind of drug. You're pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. Filled with concepts and dogmas? Known colloquially as 'the spirit molecule', DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound that's found in animals, plants and even human beings. I heard from another redditor on a different post that the elves siphon energy from human's and was wondering if that can effect my state of mind while experiencing their presence/ if you ever heard of this trait of the elves before? I've never seen them either. So what exactly do machine elves look like? And I wondered, Where Am I? It will continue to progress without you paying attention. In DMT The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman proposes that the brains relationship to consciousness may be akin to the relationship of a TV set to a TV signal. The psychologist Jennifer A Lyke of Stockton University categorized the nature of interactions with DMT entities in a compiled sample of 149 trip reports from Erowid. Mapping the DMT ExperienceWith only firsthand experiences to share, how can we fully map the DMT experience? Many experimenters find recalling the precise image of the machine elves can be difficult, due in part to the fact that their energetic shape may continuously transform. The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. I'm really curious and have been reading trip reports in all kinds of places. Daniel currently studies history, philosophy, egyptology and western esotericism at Uppsala Universitet. DMT is said to occur naturally in nearly all living things and is also known as the "spirit molecule." When taken correctly, DMT can be a potent psychedelic. well man a good amount of religion(mostly Christianity) has caused a lot of death and dispare in the world due to people taking those "gods" and twisting there ideas to fit the persons own agenda and thats usually the opposite of what said religion preaches. You pass through a membrane of some sort, and youre in a place, , McKenna said in a lecture in the 90s. DMT elves are strange entities, as you can tell by the name McKenna assigned to them. for simplicity sake I will refer to as machine elves, All life suffering, to embrace this suffering is to transcend it and find peace. The hyper-spacial entities that inhabit the DMT realm. Encounters with DMT entities are very similar to those reported by people who have had near-death and alien abduction experiences. Well Im just playing with different possibilities, I suspect that if these elves are sufficiently spiritually advanced that they may also have recognized this indescribable truth and light of the cosmos, like the mystics and Buddhas of this world have done. In a typical DMT experience, a user may experience lots of rapidly fluctuating emotions, Thayer said, including love, fear, joy, anxiety and euphoria. These claims rest on the reductionist assumption that the brain is a generator of consciousness and nothing more. The direct thought transference in the DMT realm is often likened to a matrix-style upload of a rapid, unfathomable amount of information. Perception is in the eye of the beholder, Your email address will not be published. The dmt jesters are such a strange phenomena. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. Terence McKennas first encounters with machine elves date back to 1965 when he was an undergraduate at Berkeley. Contact with entities is reported in the majority of DMT trip reports in the West, but also in a multitude of non-Western cultures. Whether their DMT experiences conjured machine elves or similar beings is unknown. Im lucid and sober:. Having Sex on DMT: What You Need to KnowHave you ever wondered about sex on DMT? Are these DMT elves real, little beings possessing actual bodies, or are DMT elves just trippy hallucinations brought on by smoking high doses of the drug? They dont like it when we get greedy for information we are not ready or, perhaps, destined for. They did seem to get aggressive when I asked if they are any correct religions to follow. I have never had a break through experience but what I have had was the many fractals, the intense body buzz that feels like Im vibrating in a whole other frequency. Devil has false light . Hes also currently writing his B.A. In short, it is an open question whether the DMT realm and its entities exist outside of human consciousness or are a product of human consciousness. And that isnt the wisest thing to do is it? For others, initial contact is met with indifferent detachment, and sometimes, with surprise or shock as if an unwelcome intruder has arrived. Learn more about me. It sounds like youve had some really eye-opening experiences and we appreciate you sharing them here! In this video above I found a fascinating first-hand account of what happened to this young man in a DMT trip. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from . This allows me to traverse the underworld and remember places in eternity should I ever wish to visit another realm. Machine elves can take on many forms depending on the individual. But to say the root of all of these substances is trickery and evil is just not factual. Absolutely hilarious. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT EntitiesThis guide discusses machine elves, clockwork elves, and other common DMT entities that people experience during a DMT trip. When Im there, Im not intoxicated. there will always be a mix of experiences when experienced through the mind / inner eye VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. Going off trip reports, individuals have described conscious inanimate machines, mechanoids, androids, biomechanical intelligence, and robots, to name a few. McKennas visual descriptions align with those of general users, many of whom have characterised machine elves as childish and short creatures. Similarly, Philip Mayer collected and analyzed 340 DMT trip reports in 2005. The Bhudda Guatama once spoke to me an age ago. He told me how I would find this by accident when it took him so many years to encounter. DMT, sometimes called the "spirit molecule," is a chemical that occurs naturally in some plants and animals. A cluttered mind? What Are the Elves Seen During DMT Trips? This video is the first in the upcoming series (Truth Revealed) where i introduce my thoughts, I will talk about prophesies, current world setting, new occurring phenomenons, new theories,. Then in the bottom left hand corner of my vision a door appeared and opened slightly to a clown like entity appearing and then closing the door and reopening and popping through again until I could make out his figure. As an undergrad at Berkeley in 1965, Terence McKenna had his first experiences with DMT elves, which he called "machine elves," "clockwork elves" and "self transforming machine elves." Is it the one or the other? In purging himself of ego desire so he can see clearly, that which is the nature of his duty. If we would entertain the possibility that machine elves are other beings outside of our own mind, then they would also be subject based. But what are they exactly? With a loose understanding of how they appear and what they tend to look like, scientists have sought to explore what the exact function of machine elves might be. DMT Art: A Look Behind Visionary CreationsAn entire genre of artwork is inspired by psychedelic trips with DMT. I think it is also important to share information about how DMT is a known trigger for epileptics, because we had no idea, obviously, and that sucked. Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete". Am glad that this wasn't a real person out in the world though, Im afraid its looking good. This includes being criticized, having mistakes analyzed, and told how to improve as a person. They taught the elites how to create advance technology to manipulate the matrix such as Googles Quantum Computer and the Mandela Effect. My last experience (I kept this up every time I woke up last night) was with smiling faced fractals. Unfortunately it also holds us back because we think that religion is absoluteIts not. When he was in his late 20s and did DMT for the first time it induced a Grand Mal for him (the first since childhood) that proceeded many, many more seizures for several years after that because I really, really, really want to talk to these entities and I am way too shellshocked to try. You just have to learn to be ok with it, whatever it is. It is used as a psychedelic drug and prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes as an entheogen.. DMT has a rapid onset, intense effects, and a relatively short duration of action. If you carry with you tons of personal identity and psychological/ego attachments, they will probably strip you naked and unveil something which you may or may not be ready to witness. Dont think about who we are Think about doing what were doing. If you are evil, machine elves are evil. In the United States, DMT has been considered a Schedule I drug since the Controlled Substances Act was passed in 1971. Were all waiting with bated breath for their response. id say find some self love but youd probably say thats satans work too. These machine elves want you to believe they create all reality but its Satan in control of this Matrix. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. Communication with machine elves may occur subtly through gesture and movement, but largely it is mental telepathy. It's okay not to be okay! I left has this giant blue head entered the room I remember the fear the gripped my body . Were these people savage? The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. This is insanity but like it or not it is the Truth we have to integrate into our lives now. 4-AcO-DMT Guide: Benefits, Effects, Safety, and LegalityThis guide tells you everything about 4 AcO DMT & 5 MeO DMT, that belong to the tryptamine class, and are similar but slightly different to DMT. The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. The ibis of Ra. Of these 149 reports, she found 180 total entity experiences were reported, and 75% of the reports included a description of at least 1 entity. Even with Strassmans hard scientific background, he was forced to seriously examine his materialist assumptions on the nature of reality after his DMT studies. Realize that all religions are a path to God. Thinking that the entire world revolves around your cultures God, and that youre right while everyone elses religion is wrong, is a very narrow minded way of thinking and will do nothing but hold you back. But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. Literally read it like 5 times just to soak in what youre saying. Christianity is a human construct - you have to view things with an open mind. Most people who are conditioned under todays materialistic paradigm would probably argue for the latter, i.e. What is the best course of action to preserve my own energy and not allow them to take it?? They dont need some magic portal, theyre already there. One of Strassmans volunteers in the DMT study, Jeremiah, reported how unbelievably free-standing and durable his experience in the DMT realm was: DMT has shown me the reality that there is an infinite variation on reality. Spiritualists posit that DMT opens the mind to new dimensions of reality, granting us access to the beings that exist there. DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age Spirituality | Jesus has the Authority #newage #dmt #jesus If you'd like to support my channel you can by becoming a member here on. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Contact with all-powerful supreme beings or the source of all creation, The Godhead, is commonly reported in DMT trips. a theory of consciousness must explain the whole range of psi phenomena psychic phenomena (extrasensory perception, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, a.k.a. These are the things controlling the controllers I remember the very, very first time that I smoked DMT. A classic example of what one can expect to see; only our standard perception does this description no justice. In South America, indigenous people have used the powerful psychedelic drug ayahuasca as a hallucinogenic tea to alter brain activity for thousands of years. Were a community connected by N,N-Dimethyltryptamine. One is an eye, another is an ear. He continued: [They are] made out of sound, it is sound, but you see it. Are they intelligent entities existing in parallel dimensions to our own or are they the human imagination unleashed to its utmost potential? These beings appear sentient and autonomous. In a 1990 workshop, Terence Mckenna describes the cultural lens offered to the DMT experience: I took this stuff to Tibetans, to the Amazon. My bird of this age is an albatross. Lion of Judah. There are eager to meet their victims, talking incessantly and excitedly. In his book DMT The Spirit Molecule, where he documents these experiences, Strassman writes, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences.. in a nonsensical manner with no clear meaning). Humanoid beings are a common archetype of the DMT experience. Many people use DMT and other psychedelics without being followed around by anything. Machine elves are frequently portrayed in trip reports as benevolent, playful, prankish, and sometimes ornery. Machine elves are demons simply put and when you take psychedelics, you are opening your mind up to demonic possession. Rather I suggest we should be open and awake to lifes infinite expressions yet still critical minded and rational enough to form adequate conclusions. DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific ProcessTake a look at DMT extraction and the scientific process involved. I would also argue that there is violence in all cultures today. But it felt like I was finding out. It's not fun to live like this. The self-transforming machine elves that are singing in a hyperdimensional language. According to Mckenna, It is a language, but not made of wordsa language which becomes and which is the things it describes. They don't like Christianity much but if you start telling them about the Greek/Roman or Egyptian Gods they'll get friendlier and may bestow gifts if you prove you are willing to delve deeper in connecting with these Gods. Meditation does the same. RT @breakth3rules: @vers_LaLune on DMT Machine Elves / Demons crossing into our dimension through AI & how @elonmusk figures into this. It explores Dr. Rick Strassmans DEA-approved human DMT research and the experiences of his volunteers at the University of New Mexico in the early 1990s. I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. They would rather just ignore it, and they may get irritated or angry if you continue to push or force narrow views in their presence. And these little machines offered themselves to me. There can be a "dissolving of the sense of self," and, of course, hallucinations involving self-transforming machine elves. Well, then they are intelligent as well. Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. McKenna and most DMT users often stress the importance of sound to the creatures, who use , [They are] made out of sound, it is sound, but you see it. . Use of substances like ayahuasca date as far back as 900 B.C.E., as seen in artwork and paraphernalia from the Chavin people of Peru. Moreover they revealed to him how they permeate reality and the whole universe. If it were merely an illusion how could two people be seeing and hearing the same thing at eh exact same moment? Every entity is an angel or demon if thats what you call it. Entity contact with aliens typically coincides with experiences of being experimented on by probes, implants, or surgeries in futuristic settings. Meeting the machine elves is generally regarded as the textbook . Does Absinthe Really Cause Hallucinations? The Gnostics called this ultimate reality the Invisible Virgin Spirit while mystics like Jacob Bhme called it the Ungrund, or the ground without an ground. In his book Archaic Revival . Jester's definitely treat you a bit more roughly but then help you laugh it off at the end of their message. They are harmless, unless you give them the required energy to be unstable you are safe. Please read the rules before posting. And as I understood, I felt a bubble kind of grow inside of me. The short answer is that, what these machine-elves essentially are is up for grabs. Moreover dont take anything at face value, not even these peculiar words written by this fella (me) youve never met and probably never will, except if you look within and find that were relying on the same substrate I mentioned earlier. War is hell, a bad trip is hell. And sometimes, successfully. DMT ResourcesThis article is a comprehensive DMT resource providing extensive information from studies, books, documentaries, and more. The elves may permeate reality, as they claim, but it is unlikely that they are the source of the Universe or the Dao. Reports of machine elf apparitions have even been found amongst the Indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest. McKenna frequently resorts to a series of metaphors to describe his experiences with machine elves (and the DMT experience in general), underscoring the difficulty of reducing such ineffable experiences to the lower dimensionality of language. You cannot go further into the Bardo and return. Theres always a lesson to be learned while taking dmt. Machine elves is a term coined by the ethnobotanist, philosopher, and writer Terence Mckenna to describe some of the entities that are encountered in a DMT trip. However, many artists have depicted fractal-like and mechanical representations of machine elves. It clears the mind by taking you away mostly, and thats the perfect opportunity to enter your mind. telekinesis, and psychometry) and other paranormal events for example related to near-death experiences, synchronicity, apparitional experiences , ghosts , supra limininal multi dimensional times , etc Changa vs. DMT: What You Need to KnowWhile similar (changa contains DMT), each drug has its own unique effect and feeling. Fear is an invitation to wisdom What are they really? The dark shamanic practices were created when DMT was ingested and these demons were involked. Psychonaut Terence McKenna first popularized them through psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. DMT for Depression: Paving the Way for New MedicineWeve been waiting for an effective depression treatment. Some people who ingest DMT the hallucinogenic ingredient of Ayahuasca describing breaking through reality and meeting with creatures on the other side. The Ultimate Guide to DMT PricingCheck out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. 2/28/23: IRON WHORES W/ DEAN . The term "DMT elves" was coined by the late Terence McKenna one of the greatest psychedelic explorers, writers, philosophers, and ethnobotanists to have ever lived. How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? And they assured me that they loved me and they told me not to be amazed; not to give way to astonishment. DMT Milking | Reality SandwichIndigenous cultures have used 5-MeO-DMT for centuries. Hope this helps any who wish to see them. Something I found fascinating was the entities which people encountered often became less friendly as time went on. A mind, occupied, may not wander. Terence Mckenna describes vocal energy as the prima materia of the DMT realm, where everything is made of the stuff of visible language. Check out our ultimate guide on DMT pricing to learn what to expect when purchasing DMT for your first time. He described the first time he saw them during a DMT trip in his 1989 book "True Hallucinations": In a 1994 lecture, McKenna called DMT "the most powerful hallucinogen known to man and science.". They're called machine elves, and let me tell you, they're not your average garden-variety beings. How do we define savagery? I gave it to Tibetans, they said this is the lesser lights, the lesser lights of the Bardo. Strassman himself found the popularity of machine elves during his study to be especially notable, saying in an interview: I admittedly chalked up these stories to some kind of West Coast eccentricity. The users' descriptions of those beings were all similar. Dozens of these friendly fractal entities, looking like self-dribbling Faberge eggs on the rebound, had surrounded me and tried to teach me the lost language of true poetry. You say that meditation and psychedelics clear the mind so that these evil entities have an opportunity to enter and possess you, but what is better than a clear mind? Theyve come to be known by many names, including clockwork elves, DMT elves, fractal elves, and tykes (a word for small child). Many individuals whove had entity contact report the experience as being more real than real, the furthest thing from a mind-altered hallucination. History []. There is no doubt they are real as we were seeing them and hearing them at the same time. That's when the late ethnobotanist, author and philosopher Terence McKenna began writing about the substance and the bizarre, otherworldly DMT experiences he had in altered states while smoking it dozens of times. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. That were the memories of these highly-intelligent beings. Disclaimer: In case you were considering flagging this: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and should not be flagged.. My first experience was dont be afraid. Berkeley with degrees in ecology, shamanism and conservation. DMT experiences are characterized by fantastic visions and breakthrough events, including most interestingly, contact with a range of entities.

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