patricia said guilty

(We didnt get into the specifics.). I have not SEEN this report that says no root found is there a picture of it online somewhere? Great communicator. He says he "feared for his life" and left the girls in the cab alive as he ran away. Agree with all you say but theres so much more involving incompetence, corruption, evidence tampering and then witnesses, in Rorrers favour, who were not disclosed to her defence her trial (something they were legally obliged to do). Thanks for contacting us. And why would the judge not let the information about Jerome being a homosexual be known to the jury.. Clifford Freeman, were you a juror? Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? You know the answer to that, the same as I do, which is. I comment on these forums because they are the only places offering the opportunity to, hopefully, bring awareness to those whore unfamiliar with this case and her unfair plight. The sisters, who were students at Lewisville High School, were found dead in their fathers taxi in Irving. Soon after, Kopta lost her job because she was seeing things and her behavior was disruptive, and then she began to walk the streets to spread her message. Despite the fact it has never been proved thats exactly how it happened, it seems to be accepted as fact it could just as possibly have been the other way round, beaten and then shot. I think Patricias defenders are implying the hair came from some unknown person. A correction to the comment above. The fat cow is guilty as hell and I hope she continues to have the shit kicked out of her in prison every day of her useless life. Unfortunately for Joanne this psycho took it badly. I live in Pennsylvania, not far from where this happened. I dont think so. no blood, no finger-prints and no soil evidence it was as if the car had been wiped clean stated the attending investigating police officer!That itself has to be considered highly suspicious and cast doubt on the hair evidence which WAS found. All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. But I suppose you havent a clue about that. Before Said was taken away, he heard two victim impact statements. Advocates for her innocence complain of hype surrounding the case. In fact it clearly shows how short you are on all the details surrounding this case. After relocating to Pennsylvania, Patricia met the 6-foot-2-inch Andrew in a restaurant. Phone records confirmed Patricia placed the earlier call from North Carolina, not Pennsylvania. "Justice would have been the Irving Police Department doing their job," defense attorney Joe Patton said during closing arguments. Catherine are you sure your names not Karen? Hardly an argument, more a figment of your overconfidence in your opinion. Traupman claimed that when he reported the dispute, trooper Robert V. Egan III got mad and practically kicked him out of his office. And remnants of what look like a baby rested on the mother. Further, an early FBI report said the hairs found in the car had no roots which contain the DNA suggesting an evidence switcheroo. She asked to speak with Andrew, who was home during the call; Joann refused. Perhaps youre not aware, there was a great deal of evidence of which these documentaries made no mention, as well as misdeeds and incidents of corruption perpetrated by the cops. The prosecution alleged that after the murder, Patricia drove Joanns car to McCartys parking lot and backed it into a parking space. She led a normal life, with a job as an elevator operator at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, until 1984, when her religious vision occurred. The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. This woman was obsessed and jealous. Three Strikes holds dying innocent woman behind bars: Justice for Patricia Wright I am outraged at the rush to judgment displayed by the LAPD, wrote Michelle Alexander, civil rights attorney and author of the influential book, The New Jim Crow. I have never seen anything this egregious., Requests for Proposals and Qualifications, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes (FACTS), life without possibility of parole (LWOP), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), What California should do with people convicted of violent felonies, The Folsom 6 who stood up for Yogi are vindicated. The woman who was showing the home alleged that Patricia was involved in the theft. She held up pictures of her dead daughters. And your contention that you (me) as ONE person are wrong, let me say that while you seem to be determined in singling me out as someone whos opinion is one against the rest, is hopelessly exaggerated. Proven in court and sentence awarded!!! I was able to email with Patricia via the PrisonConnect platform around Christmastime. Another point is the theory developed by the cops that the victim (Joann) was shot just one time and then bludgeoned to death. It was winter which are cold in PA and would slow down decomposition and minimize insect activity although you are correct about the rodentswhy were there none? Looking at the pictures of the scene, after 4 months of the bodies being there allegedly, they were untouched? Opinion: the ideas that a person or a group of people have about something or someone, which are based mainly on their feelings and beliefs, or a single idea of this type.. I would have liked better her being put to death! I would think if she would have an passed they definitely wouldve started looking somewhere else but there was just too much evidence against her anyway so.. and with forensics the way they are today. PS Speculative lies is meaningless. Most of all, Patricia said, she would like a rematch with prosecutor Michael McIntyre. In summer, after thawing, there will be small animals eating the body and even turkey vultures, but not so much in the winter. Those that think that Patricia is innocent are simply groping at straws. Its perfectly understandable that one should feel sorry for the victims of this heinous crime. But none of those charges ever stuck. All of them returned without a DNA analysis because they contained no root material. Your email address will not be published. I want to keep the tons of old jewelry but Im perplexed. Patricia Rorrer is as guilty as sin, and she needs to stay right where shes at. At that time he was living in Connecticut. It might have said no root but could have been wrong. Dame Patricia said she was "deeply saddened" to hear of her former co-star's death. How could I explain to my daughter years later that I took a plea for something I didnt do? she said. On Alexs diaper bag, police found strands of the same type of hair from the car. As for an epilogue on ex-flame Andrew Katrinak, he has moved to Colorado and kept a low profile since the trial ended. . Exactly The hair evidence is not compelling because theres a very good possibility that the evidence was compromised. This woman was not innocent, but she is very good at manipulating people into feeling sorry for her. The real killer is Rorrer! According to William G. Kelley, director of the Law Offices of the Orange County Associate Defender, Patricia did not receive a fair trial. Its barely visible in the picture. If the answer is no, enough said! Clifford Freeman, since you are already at the top of the list of deluded people not much room left for anyone with an oversized ego such as you apparently have!! No other suspect has existed that would have a motive to kill Joann. He took two tests and there was deception detected in BOTH. That's counting the nine bullets you put in Sarah. After the guilty verdict was pronounced, the defense learned that a report from a state psychologist was not given to the jury. It seems so, according to you. Anyone who thinks this psycho isnt guilty needs to take off their tin hat. Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! "Most of the community feels bad for the child To see that in the United States bugs me. Why would it be an irony for a person to express his opinion? They retested hair from the car in 2008 with updated new technology. The womans disappearance became a missing person case with the Ross Township Police Department that sat on the shelf, lacking progress, for decades. They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. Why would the LAPD destroy the evidence, Patricias sister Arletta and other family members still ask to this day. This article can also be seen at You know whats interesting? Had there been a switch? She had money put aside. If you look at the crime scene picture, only parts of the mother seem preserved. However, while sticking solely to the Rorrer case, the issue of the husbands alibi is very much open to doubt if one takes into consideration what the documentary, STARZ-The Wrong Man (in two parts) has revealed. It took jurors about three hours to convict Said for the deaths of his daughters Amina and Sarah in 2008. Warren, who was tearful at the end of the hearing, said she is pleased with the outcome of the case, and that her office was only waiting on the outcome of Allen Prue's appeal. I didnt read anything in this article that convinced me I didnt like that the lab had a bad rep and I do agree the police lie and frame people sometimes so I cant say 100% she did it or not. Patricia also pointed out that when author Tammy Mal started her research and speaking to me, she was not an advocate at all but she reversed and ended up advocating for Patricias innocence. One lengthy sentence which goes on and on and concludes with one of my sentences from a previous comment! On June 14, 1989, Patricia Wright and her 7-year-old son, Alfey, were riding in a car driven by family friend Lawrence Slaughter. They claim in a 911 call from the night of the murders, Sarah said her father was attacking her. Jenkins was reported missing after her vehicle was found idling with her 2-year-old son inside. Because of these two prior offences, Patricia was sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole under Californias Three Strikes Law. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. What definition? Even after 12 years of frustration and dead-ends, the pursuit for their killer never ceased, Spivey said in a statement. These two offenses were classified as felonies when they should have been only misdemeanors, since the property stolen was valued under $400. in emerging media and communication from the University of Texas at Dallas and an M.S. And she called 911. Pat is locked in a cage because shes an animal. When she was there, she refused to discuss her private life or where she came from.. Charles Robert, the 3-month-old son she had with Gary Gabard, died of sudden infant death syndrome; Patricia found him blue in his crib. Amina two bullets in the heart.". Its nothing short of a feeble stab hoping to impress but really amounts to splitting hairs, or to put it another way, hot air with no substance. The Riverside County public defender stated that the court may reduce her first two offences to misdemeanors because they are classified as wobblers. Wobbler refers to a criminal offense that can be classified as either a misdemeanor or a felony. At the time of the killings, police said that there had been domestic problems in the family and that they were exploring all possible motives for the slayings. "I'm not sorry we were caught. False. So, if you feel you have to be critical of me, you should also bear in mind those hate-mongers and perhaps have a word with them too. I mean the husband did do some shady things maybe he was involved? True, Andrew would have no way to acquire and plant Patricias blond hair there because it wasnt that color when she knew him. SHAME ON THEM. He was sentenced Said to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Forensic Files didnt mention it, but the hairs were actually brown at the top and the rest dyed blond, according to the show Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction. "I suggest that it stands for a moment in time where people actually take a moment to take a serious look at how we allocate our resources to social services. And about the only thing from your comment with which I can agree, is you saying thats not proof theyre right in reference to their verdict. Andy passed not one but two polygraph tests and had a solid alibi. Amina was 18 years old and was shot two times and Sarah was 17 Marcelin said the detectives, referring to Patricia Wright, asked, Dont you want that [expletive] off the street?. More than 20 years after her conviction, Patricia Rorrer still has advocates working to exonerate her. And I hope I can get down to see her., Were very thankful to know that Patty is alive and well, Smith added. Shes attracted the help of writer Tammy Mal (full name Tammy Malinowski OReilly), author of Convenient Suspect, a book about the case. Stop defending her when she is guilty!!!!! During the trial, the prosecutor said that the insurance reward would have been $180,000, which was totally exaggerated, said Arletta Wright, Patricias sister, who has been championing Patricias innocence from the beginning of Patricias time in prison. I dont see any defining comment or wording that justifies that claim. This woman was motivated by an obsession with a man who no longer wanted her. Have you watched any of the documentaries Ive mentioned? Shes extremely, extremely happy with the baby. Kidnapped and killed? Her mother was married to my uncle. It says that Andrew reported the cut phone lines and broken pad lock was reported to the police at 10:30. When police traveled to North Carolina to interview Patricia about the murders of Joann and Alex, she said that on the day of the homicides, she had visited a feed store, a tanning salon, and a country music club. CHOOSE1s Three Strikes Reform Act needs 500,000 signatures by July 17 to make the November ballot, CHOOSE1 files new initiative to reform Californias Three Strikes law, The First Friday doc premieres this week at the New Parkway. She has no means to reply or rebut this outrageous slurs and these forums are the only way I know where people may become aware of the wrongful conviction of innocent person and equally, those who happily believe all the adverse and damaging comments. Men who murder are conventional, women are sensational, posits the Worldwide Womens Criminal Justice Network. Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. Stevie J Further to my previous comment, I should add the following. I had never been in jail before and I wasnt allowed to go outside. WebHis ex-wife and the mother of the teens, Patricia Owens, watched Said as the judge sentenced him. Hoist by your own petard. Its never been made clear. Until next time, cheers. And dance instructor William Jarrett couldnt remember whether she attended his dance class at the club the night of Joanns disappearance. Not everything is a conspiracy. Early in the investigation, the hairs found in the car were sent (in glass slides) to several laboratories including the FBIs. The first rule of a murder is motive. I hope she suffers and goes insane from loneliness. You took my life. The fact that previous boyfriends noted her obsession with Andrew is very, very telling. Joanns gun and beating wounds were obvious, but the baby died a less violent (but just as horrible) death with no clear signs. Meanwhile, the case of the missing mother and baby turned into colossal news across the U.S. and internationally. Susan Wright is out of prison after killing her husband in TX. Or did they? According to court papers from Patricia 2017 appeal, DNA on the cigarette butt found near the two bodies belonged to Appellant. (Prosecutor Michael McIntyre, however, told that that the cigarette butt was never actually tested). However, my curiosity is piqued as to why Andrews mother didnt report the missing daughter in law, Joanne and her own grandson Alex! And shes were so happy. A lot of these documentaries feature most of the theories suggested by the cops and prosecution which were most damaging to her case, but not a single person to substantiate Rorrers side, or to challenge their versions. From my point of view, the American police investigations are first hand, and often very poorly done, Ive only seen worse in the British police, which is paradoxical given the laudatory talent of both nationalities, but it is a Scandinavian saying: bigger the mouth, smaller the facts. Then you claim this is an opinion. Pat had a string of bad relationships in her past and was not happy. you dont want to fall off and hurt your oversized ego. because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. Prosecutor pounds away. Disagree with Alfey went on to say that he noticed that the woman hosting the model home was following them very closely the whole time that they were there. so then using your contention, one who is deeply religious and sees God as being a factual figure is wrong? It then makes light of the fact that the car in which the (incriminating) hairs were found was absent of any blood. According to Arletta Wright, Patricia needs to be driven because she has been legally blind since the age of 16. Omg so well put! "This is the 13th case solved after the creation of the cold case task force," said El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson. Re Routier, the claim that she inflicted a potentially fatal injury on herself by no means indicates another perp: she could have inflicted it in ignorance, as a suicide attempt, or in a semi-psychotic state. neither her nor there couldnt be linked to her. For goodness sake, it was never proved at her trial she used the gun the police so steadfastly offered as evidence or for that matter, ANY OTHER GUN. A person tried in a court of law and then found guilty is not the be-all and end-all to the case. This witness was never revealed to Rorrers defence. And she would just call out of the blue., According to the Free Patricia Rorrer page on Facebook:I called him to let him know that I was going to the USA finals for a horse show. Ironically its you who is basing your view on second-hand information, as you were not in court. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, so Said was automatically sentenced to life in prison with no parole. The case was eventually abandoned. The media love the femme fatale., FBI lab blunder. Let me simplify this for you in religion, one is taught there is a God. Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. Theres speculation and theres lies period. Police were led to the Prues by a business card found in Jenkins' home for Allen Prue's snow-plow business and a report that the Prues had called Jenkins about trouble with their vehicle. How would an intruder find it? I would bet MONEY that the first baby born to Patricia didnt die of SIDS. Jenkins was a teacher at St. Johnsbury Academy. Her mother, Patricia Chambers, provided day care for their baby son, Charles. A Pittsburgh-area woman missing for over 30 years and declared legally dead several years ago has been found alive in Puerto Rico, authorities in Pennsylvania said on Thursday. Roughly nine months ago, Interpol contacted the police department that kept her file open. Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. Go watch the Reasonable Doubt episode from last night Patricia did it. That poor child who grew up with no mom for absolutely no reason. Sticking to a promise he made before the pair pleaded guilty, the Republican governor announced Tuesday that Mark and Patricia McCloskey were among 12 people granted pardons on Friday. Dial-a-problem. After her arraignment, she had to walk past a crowd of dozens of locals screeching hang her! and baby killer! Patricia clung to a Polaroid picture showing her and her own little girl. You should be ashamed of yourself. New state, new man. Wright desires to live her last days with her five children and six grandchildren, was in the statement as well. Authorities said they have no evidence that Jerome had cancer or was dying. Id wanna be done with that shite quick too.. meh what do I know! A Texas father one of the FBIs Ten Most Wanted Fugitives wanted for the slayings of his two teen daughters was busted after more than 12 years on the run, the federal law enforcement agency announced. On Instagram, I found a post for a two-part Win at All Costs podcast featuring journalism professor Bill Mousheys interviews with Patricia Rorrer from prison in December 2019. They need to test that hair from Joanns hand and also that broken fingernail. She also will never get to see them get married. They noted houses near the murder scene would have heard a gunshot in December, when no farm equipment is making noise, and question why the murderer didnt just kill Joann inside her house instead of risking being seen in public in her car. Ive followed and made a study of this case for more than twenty years and have absolutely no doubt she was railroaded and wrongfully convicted. Jealousy was the motive. Said tried to blame the FBI for not searching for an unknown person, he said, was the real killer. More hairs there. That woman has no soul. (Ross Township Police Department). 8/9/2022 Yaser Said was convicted of capital murder Tuesday in the 2008 fatal shootings of his two teenage daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said. I didnt believe it. They moved into her house in Salisbury County, staying together for about two years. Patricias accusers theorized that she resented Joanns domestic bliss with the tall, athletic Andrew Katrinak. There are a number of issues in the case, Kelley said in a letter to his associate, Christopher Darden, including the competency of counsel, prosecutorial misconduct and, of course, compelling legal error by the court.. Have you read the book? A Texas man who carried out the mass shooting at the Cielo Vista Walmart in El Paso, Texas, on Aug. 3, 2019, killing 23 people and injuring 22 more, pleaded guilty today in U.S. District Court to a 90-count indictment, including 45 counts of violating the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. But defense lawyer Robert Pfeiffer said that plenty of evidence supported Patricias innocence. This woman killed and is where she belongs! In 1995, Larry Wright was facing a 10-year sentence for two felonies, risk of an injury to a minor and violating a restraining order, and a misdemeanor for threatening by saying, Im going to kill you, to his wife after he caught her cheating. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. Your pathetic attempt to insult not only shows a not very original comment, but clearly displays a lack of intelligence.

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