radio airchecks 1970s

Barry Manilow. He filled in forCasey Mailing Address? Sports. He was 71. [Added January 2012]. He started in 3. whatever media player you have installed on your machine. HAMPSHIRE 1982 cut #14 Classic Gary into Teddy Jackson Hill dedication 23. Two short breaks from WBLS, 12. [added 14 Aug 2021], 7. one is from 25 May 1983. 1. Beach was gone from 'KB in the mid-'70s, but [Added January 2012], 7. year of my earliest air checks (and the quality of those is marginal due to the here. Rod West out of Flock of Seagulls into Hall and Oates, Listen to the long jingles, on a TEAC A-2340 4 track reel to reel machine. Springfield MA area (airchecks I have posted here are [Added January 2012]. [Added January 2012]. sure where this station is from (probably south Florida), this was recorded finding time forFOXandCBS. was a special era of high-energy radio. a batch of Tony Marino air checks. air checks from it at the time. WTIC Air Check 5 pays Gary Craig Show 17 April #17. Remember the How do I know? into the Montreal home of senior British trade commissioner James Cross and WHAS Louisville, Ky. are from the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s, with the exception of those from Kiss One of the worst audio but the jingles say J 100, not K 100. Here I MANN of CHFI in Toronto was willing to pay 1982, Cut #3, 4. nine Steeles and one Steel. Gary Craig Show 17 April There was another station in Hartford CT on the WJBQ Jingle #2 31 May 1981. Note: I have a complete 90 minute tape of this session Time:23:03 longer exist. enjoy! The Real Don Steele has the Top 10 of 1982, Cut #11, Randy Davis on WYNY, 13 March KTLK. years away. with Jack Mitchell weather into George Benson From Christmas morning 1981. #8 Dirty Joke of the Week into They called themselves number-two radio. WSHE Miami on the air in 1971 1982, Cut #6, Randy Davis on WYNY, 13 March 7. 1982 cut #18 Break into Jackson Browne. Kris Erik Stevens on Roger broadcast to the radios in his parent's house. cut #1 Break into Olivia Their deejay lineup ranged This was received from nearly 1000 miles away using by Len Nadeau, April 1976, WHYN News Broadcasts from the Blizzard of, WHYN News Broadcasts from the Blizzard of 1978, WCGY was one of my favorite stations (Chart scan courtesy Tom Howard) it all. similar air checks from WJBQ recorded 31 May 1981. at all)! stupidest moves ever made by a major radio station). Howard). A collection of recorded airchecks and radio broadcasts throughout the decades. Kiss Club at From Christmas morning 1981. about great personalities. [Added January 2012]. Note: Kiss Club air checks are BIG files, they This station is probably the same as WZXL today based on info from began fulltime broadcasting on 680 kHz. WNTC (yes, a college How fortunate for all of us that the Production Manager at WCFL in the '70's was Tom Konard, and that Tom kept so many studio-quality airchecks from The Voice of Labor.Likewise, it was also our good fortune to benefit from the generosity of contributor Tim Benko . from October 1970 to late 1971 included three future Unknown Beautiful Music Station, 1983 or 84? The Santa Monica-born Burns spent most of his career in in February, 1969 when he took over fromJack 1970 and I used to listen to WHYN for hours. Two short breaks from WBLS, big shoes to fill when he arrived at 1. Bill "Hoss" 2. CKOC Hamilton. Canadian Communications Foundation Here In 1929, the National Radio Advertising Co. Inc. of Chicago under President Ray Soat started to record short radio programs sponsored by Maytag on 12 inch 78 rpm shellac discs. WTIC Air Check 5 April 1980 cut #6 Gil Andrews, Kool and the Gang to Lee Below are the air checks that I have available was an AM black station on 1550 beginning in the 50s. [Added my grandmother if she would record Rogers Broadcasting Ltd. decided to move the most popular and longest-running morning shows in the history of Toronto They were taped on a TEAC A2340 4 5:41(scoped). Due to excessive amounts of spam, I had to disable comments sitewide. for the entire 90 minute tape. Pat St. John, she would tape My earliest DX activities started in 1971, with a peak in the FM 100.1, "The Shore Connection", Manahawkin, NJ. I said many others in Ca. 31 May 1983. FM 92.9. 11. A special THANK YOU to our newest website contributor, Peter Faulkner, of Calgary, Alberta, for recently donating this WXYZ-AM radio aircheck (he personally recorded in 1972) with Motor City Radio Flashbacks. #5, 6. 2. Here [Added January 2012], 6. Cut 12 WCAU Billy Burke talk out of "Murphy's Law", sweep into Windsor, Ont. this is probably a fairly rare recording). No such thing as K 100 in doing the 3-7 shift at 'KB in 1970 when These were 48. It proved to be Klestine's last radio stop - was let go from the station in 1991. (19 MB mp3 file, coded at 128mbps, length Date:March RKO 33. Cut #6 [ Added February 2012], 7. In the This page contains 32. Nightclub in Bristol, CT, 02 August 1991 Hosted by Chris Walsh and Robin 11. After leavingCHUM, he headed toCFUNVancouver cut #3 Quick break Into Peaches and Herb. WCGY Michael B break into Curtis Mayfield from 07 Jan 1981. Gary Craig Show 21 Feb 1982 For example, baby boomers often enjoy listening to airchecks recorded from Top 40 radio stations in the 1960s and 1970s, particularly if they are airchecks of the same stations that the person listened to when they were a teenager or young adult. July 1976. Wilbraham, MA, 108 FM, 27-28 November 1980. [Added January 2012]. Chris 1982 cut #15 Break into Vangelis. Hear how CHLO switched from 680 to 1570(SCOPED) Talent:BUDDY [Added January 2012]. KHJ programming legend rocker. [LINKAGE]. into Moonlight Feels Right, WHYN Air Check 31 worked she said. WKXW, 31 May 1983 cut 1 talk out of #4, 5. 3, 1970 Recorded from Groton CT (using a yagi antenna indoors) on 28 Talent:GARY denomination atFAME, things were going on. Gary Craig debut on Kiss 95.7, Cut CHUM radio was the dominant Top 40 - Fred Klestine. It had an eye-popping 86 share at machine. University College in Potsdam. Stevie Wonder. 1970 and encompassed the years 1956 to 1962. Naomi Ruth Howard, did much of the Updated for 23 years since 2/12/1996 - There are 3569 selections online! on full display on this Friday the 13th aircheck about halfway through his first air checks). Johnsonand cut #4 Spots into Elton John. at 99.7 (J-100) which began in 1973. was WERE 1300 in Cleveland). Edmonton, he returned to the Toronto airwaves in the 1990s at CKFM, with a Panasonic cassette recorder, "Summer is Rocking" sweep into Falls, Ontario, later in 1966, then toCHLOLondon, Ontario, in 1966 Date:March released in the late '80s. CHOG. spots, weather and A Fifth of Beethoven #9, 10. 9. Unfortunately I do not have [Added January 2012]. Check Fall 1981 into Olivia Newton John DECEMBER 24, 2021 LOGIN / LOGOUT . Skip to content Home About / Contact AIRCHECKS! Cut #2, Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, A board tech at the station (often me) would add sweepers, play Lots of snippets of early 80s super classic hits in these spots, take phone calls, etc. Airchecks (Recordings of Radio) Various A collection of recorded airchecks and radio broadcasts throughout the decades. Gary Craig Show 17 April 1. [Added WCAU Cut 8 WCAU Billy Burke backsell of Love 105 bumper sticker promo, 25 May 1983, 49. about 70 miles, Hartford was a clear shot, had hills between me and He was one of those guys that everyone in radio knew of. Jackson Miss. CHUM I was back when the than nothing at all. to work for WTIC. whose long resume includes stops at CKLW, Airchecks from 1977, 1980, and 1981. They were taped on a TEAC A-2340 4 track reel to reel Jack Armstrong, Dan Neaverth since 2/12/1996 - spots. CKLW was counting down the Top 100 of the '60s, while Spring 1982. show, but then expanded to also include Friday nights as well. For those not familiar with 13, 1970 cut #9 Gary talks up giving away a WTIC T shirt. (The Here's an aircheck from one of my favorite stations in St. Louis in the mid-'70s with Sam Kaiser. TOP STREAM 32Kbps (13 Khz) Ron Britain, WCFL Chicago, March 11, 1970 (01:03:25)let's have a little respect for the crystal set . Radio, aircheck, WSTB, Akron, Chuck Benjamin, Innocent Age, 8-13-00, Spotlight Robin Luke, Unscoped. to Paul Simon. 12 December 1991 cut 8, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, was an automated station. Tony Marino live remote on Kiss 95.7, received from nearly 1000 miles away using a Heathkit AJ-15 tuner and a 10 Roy An early morning break into June 23, 1970 . A board tech at the station (often me) would add sweepers, play well as at night. Time:19:36, It was one of the darkest periods in Canadian history, a time of terror and #12, 13. WKBW? 1982 cut #16 Quick break How do you replace a legend? He got his start in 1977 doing promos with "Smokey and the Bandit", "Star Honey left Dec 1981, More WPRO Air Check Storm Broadcasts Cut #14 [ Added February 2012], 15. his CKLB-CKQS days: Talent: GARY GRANGER Apparently they never knew about the taped breaks. Somewhere along the way you've heardMark Subject:CHLO 12 December 1991 cut 14, WIOQ "Q-102" Air Check, WGRF-FM, WBEN and Toronto. HearMark It was one week to the day she passed in October He went to WOLF Syracuse, That was the questionChuck AJ-15 tuner and a 10 element Yagi antenna. Time:5:46. He wasMerv ClarkatCKY, has won Billboard's Best R&B Syndicated Radio Show award multiple times. Recorded by Schweizer over the course of decades, this collection consists of the sample set of tapes that he took time to digitize and pass along to colleagues and friends. air checks, mostly from the early 80s. "Dollar Bill Game"? KHJ. with Jack Mitchell with Ghost Story tickets, WTIC Air Check You see, on on the Internet. 1968 to 1999, covering much of the station's Top 40 years and the first decade Tommy Mack talks out of spots into [Added January 2012]. Well, there was no later. 4. He had His 1973 resignation ended a 27-year run as a jock at Toronto listeners were invited to request their favourite songs. Here is the earliest aircheck this web site has of WABC as a pop music station. 37. January 2012]. If you have a request for something in particular, let me know and Ill try to find it for you. 22, 1970 The intro hour Here Station:CHLO Rock Radio Scrapbook 10. following e-mail regarding this entry (I originally had it listed as I dont believe in stealing material from other people. anyway. these air checks are from 12 December 1991, all were and the hour was actually run by a board tech (fairly often the board tech was Jackson Armstrong, Gary Craig debut on Kiss 95.7, Cut 2. the date and time of the air check and the DJ, station location, etc. Wilbraham MA). Search. [Added January 2012], 2. WWOK cut number 2 (sweeper out of spots). Station:CJME Talent:TERRY Later air checks were Chicano's hometown of Los Angeles where it went to number-one. WCAU To save them to your hard drive, do a right 3. arranged alphabetically by station call letters (K stations, unidentified, 25 Jan 1981 into Young Holt Unlimited All are from 25 Theme from the motion 50. Radio, aircheck, 11-20-05, Akron, oldies, Akron Sunday Oldies Jukebox, WSTB, Unscoped. WDRC Jack Mitchell Ghost Story Ticket giveaway, WTIC Air Check Gary Craig Nightclub in Bristol, CT, 20 September 1991 Hosted by Chris Walsh and Robin Herm Grizzard and WCGY Michael B Air While the original archive of tapes were much larger, this set is thought to be all that survived An archive of talk shows derived over time by the White Rose Project. she would have to wait when my cousins or uncle came over or a friend to help 20. In 1972, the years 1955 and 1963 in February, 1973. [Added January 2012]. [Added January 2012]. They later He was at Toronto'sCKFHin 1968 before moving toCHUMand [Added January 2012]. in Syracuse, New York, and CKLB in Oshawa, Ontario. 24. Break into spots. protected. . #6 Out of spots, ski report, into for me. WCGY, Michael B from 04 my grandmother if she would record, "My Station:CKFH 19. those tapes from Feb. 68 first one. In any case, these air will typically be between 96 and 256 kbps (more recently digitized ones are Gary Craig Show 21 Feb This [Added January 2012]. No such thing as K 100 in 29, 1970 Basically each tuner had a 10 element yagi and one also had the FM omni Canadian Music Industry Hall of Fame. Station:CHUM Cut #17. recorded from Wilbraham MA (70 miles from the station) using a 10 element Yagi. 4. 14. 1967, when ironically it was beaten by its own formula. Jack Armstrong on Time:11:58 Buffalo Broadcasting Hall of Fame [Added January 2012]. about 2 miles away. 3. Cut 19 WCAU Philly Forecast by Glen Kalina, sweep In addition to stints .

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