my wife doesn't touch me sexually anymore

I understand your pov at a level you may not understand (sorry) or appreciate. But dont you have a affair, to deal with that sex drive that Im ignoring. But its not worth destroying something that you took years to build. Find someone who finds you attractive, become more attractive, get in shape (thats key). Our sexual problems are much more complex because I have accepted the fact that she really wants to be intimate but the cost is too high. Gynecological conditions such as endometriosis, PCOS, PCOD, uterine fibroids and pelvic pain can make it difficult for women to enjoy sex. Its no secret that sex after marriage tends to become monotonous, especially if neither partner makes an effort to keep the fire of passion burning. Once you cross into the no sex zone there is NO going back. So no, this was not the place to blow your horn. While some of the underlying factors can be weeded out with the right approach and mindset, others can be more damaging to the entire relationship. Remember its never too late to start. . Wow. That leads to I dont like you. We had sex once last year and it had been a while prior to that, but she told me that due to the pain and all, she doesnt want to do it any more. I love him and am a bad lier, so using masturbation as a release. Even worse, because Im larger than average, she can no longer handle my penis even if she wanted to. She sleeps in the other room. It works for him. I am 65 and raring to go and caopable of satisfying a woman in her 30s. I spent 36 years with a man who I was never good enough for and now in a relationship with a man who loves me and is so kind. I have both physical and emotional desires that seem to be building resentment towards him. Then menopause dried it out and the muscles resist and joints spasm, so its painful. You are so right, I should leave but feel guilty, leaving over sex. My biggest problem is that my wife is very, very against porn and at my age I cannot attempt to relieve my tension without it as a point of focus. So I disagree when people say leave the marriage as soon as the sex stops. As someone who has now gone over 6 years without any contact more intimate than a hug I can tell you it is a relationship killer. Absolute rubbish! Weve been married for 26 years, she is 51, and she has had maybe 4 years total where she was interested in sex. This so frustrating at times. I have many friends in this situation. I cant make the same wages I did before my illness, but added to my retirement money, it can get close. I told him if he didnt want a divorce, he should feel free to find date outside the marriage, and if anything serious developed, we would revisit the divorce option. I didnt sign up for this garbage! She wants no part of it. Its strictly psychological as I have no problems when alone or watching porn, which she is totally against. Life is complicated at every age but I think as people age, hormone levels drop of course and the baggage of decades gone by begins to weigh heavy on both parties. BTWsome in your wifes position build great insurmountable resentment. Not easy for her to open up and talk about thingsbeen that way all of our married lives..43 plus years. She never apologized. The situations here are not just issues for straight couples. I in the same boat as your husband. Semi handsome for an old guy. Do they shrink with age? Communication will go a long way in improving your sex life. Be the man who won her heart! My situation isnt as severe as many here. Sorry. If she senses youre blaming her for something, shell go on the defensive. The scenario you posited is anything but. I have always been an affectionate person and have given affection but not received in return for at least a year. I thought during the first couple of years of our marriage that I was imagining this but I now realize I wasnt (since he recently stated how we werent trying to procreate any longer, so why bother with sex.). Addressing these issues will likely buoy your sex life naturally. Been married 20 years . Food shape. If theres resentment in the marriage, its bound to manifest itself in a sexless marriage. I desire foreplay and intimacy, not just intercourse. Then it was just plain no, Im not sexually turned in. There are physical and emotion consequences to withholding sex from a partner. She is unhappy with your lack of hygiene, 12. Laura. Share your feelings with your wife openly, honestly, and vulnerably without expecting it to lead to something physical. I was disabled when she met me, so Im it cant be because of money. Every month Senior Planets award-winning senior sexpert Joan Price answers questions about everything from loss of desire to solo sex and partner issues. Every time he gets mad he threatens to move out. But at the same time love is kind and will not guilt trip. Sexual intimacy is kissing, hugging, touching, petting, laying baked, masturbating one another, oral sex and that look of intensity that tells you that you are desired. Marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, coupled with a sea of hormonal changes at different stages of life, can make a woman gain weight and send her self-esteem nosediving. I just dont understand. Because of its addictive nature, it rewires the brain by desensitizing you. Wills comment is more true than not (and certainly not far from true). He just didnt want me and wanted to be left alone, in his world. I hope to eventually meet another same sex partner willing to take her time and see what works. Well a few years ago sex began to get less and less. I understand the frustration, I have tried talking with my wife and have even said, if the problem was with me, I would be in a doctors office tomorrow! When we go out, all I see are happy couples who show affection and love. I am utterly fed up with being in the friend zone or occasionally doing it with what might as well be a sack of potatoes. In other words, pressure makes for bad sex even when you actually end up having it, and all that pressure and bad sex might make your wife just lose interest in sex completely. We went to separate colleges and this was before cell phones and computers. Dang! Good luck to you all and hope the juices start flowing soon for those that feel deprived. I am now trying to get into health club manament and the barriers for that seem less difficult. I dont know why Im still here. Someone on the side. Its time to change your strategy. And Marley, I deeply sorry for your situation. Be gentle and calm when you bring it up. If your wife wont have sex, it could be that she just doesnt feel close to you anymore, and the idea of being intimate makes her feel too vulnerable. Be truthful. The only difference is that if we separate I will not have the van!! Im 47 and this happened to me. She isnt enthusiastic about that idea. Its all a crock. Men, if you want sex and the answer at home is no, you can accept that the last time you had sex will be it until you die. I get you have energy for everyone but me. I have 2 nephews, age 6 & 7, from my brother 13 years younger than me. Doing that just causes me to be resentful of her, and the fact that Im now reduced to doing this nasty little juvenile thing for myself. A free doctor approved gut health guide featuring shopping lists, recipes, and tips. Meanwhile. If you're feeling rejected sexually, spice up your appearance. When a woman has to live with her in-laws, its a major change from the way she had been living before. For fucks sake man. Yeah, maybe not, eh . See the New York Times story, Does a More Equal Marriage Equal Less Sex?. Ive tried vacations, dates, sex toys, lubricants, vitamins, blah blah blah..when a gal is not sexually attracted to you and is generally more than willing to never have sex again cuz (insert the reason I dont understand here) shes not going to change at 70. Im to the point where Id be happy with an occasional peck on the cheek. I always ask if Im doing the right things and she says yes. The wife never initiates physical contact if shes unhappy with the strength of the relationship, says Gopa. I hope that she too will woo me, always, as well. Maybe you've started treating your wife differently, toomore likely a mom figure even to you, and less like a wife and lover and sexual being. Related Reading: How To Survive A Sexless Marriage Without Cheating. My wife and I are in our 60s, very active and in good health. She looks at it like I was cheating on her. Thanks for listening. Does your wife feel seen and heard in the relationship, or is she never in the mood because she usually feels overlooked? Some older couples and married partners with physical disabilities make it work every day and have a satisfying relationship. My only suggestion would be to get out of this marriage and fast. Those hormones can cause cancer. After all of that, the thought of intimacy at night becomes almost like another chore, says Gopa. Working with a therapist will help you learn to ask her how she prefers to be touched and help empower her to guide you. I need love that bad to hang on to a partner that never wants sex? I cannot take any form of estrogen and I literally have lost all desire. We have tried everything ( I mean everything ) but nothing seems to work and Im getting desperate! Once you've looked at yourself, talk to her and pay attention to how she's feeling. Research shows that sexual communication was strongly associated with increased relationship satisfaction and heightened orgasm frequency in women. With out being rude . When we met, it was amazing. But whatever you do, never go to therapists. I have to listen to her telling me I am fat etc. Research shows that sexual communication was. Just told her I wasnt going to follow all her B.S rule and moved out of the bedroom. I mean, we have a nightly generic kiss and slight hug say goodnight. My wife will listen to my concerns about sex, but will not take hormone supplementation because of the science which indicates it can cause cancer in rare cases. 330 Comments (That is very thoughtful, I do all those things because my wife is Special and I want her to be happy) I have always shared the housework and dont mean picking up my clothes yes I am defensive because women dont believe med do housework. I have a high libido and masterbate frequently, which I know she is aware of. . My husband is 46 gringo! Amen. Woman think if they dont want a penis inside them that thats it, no sex. If these thoughts are not at the forefront of your relational mind, well, your (our) love(s) and relationships may in fact die. I think Im in love and theres no turning back. Lowered estrogen can also cause her libido to lag. Feminism has a lot to answer for; there seems to be too many mismatched females being vocal, when this has been a male affliction to be saddled with an undersexed female. Our marriage became almost sexless in 2006 when our 17 year old son was killed in an accident. Please help. The man must rule by demanding to get what he wants. Some nice and some angry! I think he wanted to stay in his marriagemainly I think b/c his wife earns well (makes more money than him). Slept in basement for a few years until I built my own space that had an apartment and work shop. We have no children. Plus, a lack of communication might have created this distance. However, if both partners are not okay with a sexless marriage, your relationship wont survive. When I have a follow up, with a surgeon next month, even though it is not cancer, I will discuss wether or not I should give up the vaginal hormone. She snores loudly and we have different bedrooms. If he would quit his demands, realize Im not who I was, be cheerful and easy, love life and just lighten up, Id make sure he is sexually satisfied WAY MORE OFTEN. However, another simple answer is that she isnt used to being the initiator. An emotional affair or even a one-night stand that you think your wife doesnt know about? . It is time to say, I am horny as hell, and I am tired of pretending I am not because I am over 50!. She likely doesn't want you to touch her bc whenever you do it leads to an implied intimacy interaction she doesn't want. People need to be kept warmed up all the time before things can get hot again, they need to feel wanted, appreciated and valued before they actually want sex and are in the mood for sex. Be loving. Its a bummer most times. I just accept that I could not control it and that it is Gods will for me. But this woman kept me in her heart and mind for fifty years. stop insultiing cats. After menopause she lost interest in sex because of vaginal atrophy. Not!! Ive read about vaginal atrophy and would guess she has it. Ask your wife what she likes and what would be sexy and pleasurable for her. But, on the sex side, not too good. Brother, your story sounds exactly like mine. Before I married my second wife, Vicky told me she made a terrible mistake, still loves me and wanted back. With the help of psychotherapist Gopa Khan (Masters in Counseling Psychology, M.Ed), who specializes in marriage and family counseling, lets unravel the reasons behind why theres no intimacy in your marriage from your wife, so you can ascertain the difference between an unloving wife or one who has subliminally been trying to send you a message. However I worked as much at home since someone had to do it. Even books on men not wanting sex place the responsibility on the woman. With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. My functioning would be fine when engaging in sex with a woman for the first time, paid sex, and one night stands. Its ridiculous. Since husbands are usually thought to be the problem regardless of whether the wife or the husband doesnt want sex, I should say that I do my fair share (50%+) of house chores, am emotionally supportive of her, and a nice guy, but that is irrelevant. Trying to feel sexual and struggle through it and pretend is so hard, and brings me only sadness that I have to pretend after years of being honest. My wife sleeps through most of this so I try to keep quiet and let her sleep. The marriage is fine except for the sex. It makes me sad, and we have talked it out and sadly there is just too much sadness and pain in our relationship for this situation to ever be resolved. I hear ya. Research, psychologists, and Google can offer ideas, but only your wife herself can tell you why she doesn't want to have sex with you: Working a full-time job in addition to running household errands and caring for kids can be exhausting and stressful, so some women may simply feel too busy and overworked to have any energy for sex. I have difficulty ejaculating and often, cannot get erections with her. BUT I agree If I was an electronic game, or a bead of some kind I would get some attention.. We have had a very good sex life up until a few years ago, and she has had many good sexual adventures. has he? Please ask your husband if hell see a counselor with you to save your marriage. We are both active and healthy. var d = document, s = d.createElement('script'); I am happy all the time, my hair is twice as thick as it was before, I had urge incontinence, which completely disappeared, it cut my knee joint pain in half, and best of all, I love sex again. They need not be. I dont think I would like my son or daughter tell me what to do in the bedroom. The aftermath of an affair is never easy for a marriage, but if life has thrown you this curveball, youve got to learn to deal with it. All he needs is that wonderful little blue pill. But if neither of those possible remedies to the sexless marriage proves satisfactory, then perhaps the couple should agree to allow the husband to seek sex outside of the marriage. I havent had a BJ for about 20years, my wife wont even touch my penis so a HJ is out of the question too. Thats why were looking at the most common reasons why your wife is never in the mood anymore and what you can do if your wife refuses to have sex. Haha Im not going to belittle my husband and make him feel less of a man when he is the one with impotence. He is impotent due to hydrocele and he plans to have surgery until hes 65. Willsounds like you live in the stone agesworks for you.but most woman like a say in whether they would like to be touched or not. She would use the excuse of my children may interrupt, although I would point out we have a lock on the door. Mostly sexless for ten years and when I talk to her she just says, Im not attracted to you anymore, so get a girlfriend. This is especially true of couples in their 40s and 50s, or those who have been married more than 10-15 years. The most affection I can show without her being irritated is spooning for a short period when were in bed Id better not move my hands to caress her! Even before this, she told me she does not want to nor have any desire for sex or intimacy with me or anyone. If the sex is all about you, its no surprise that your partner may not want to indulge in it. I realize this rant may seem to be about my needs, but I think I deserve the right to a fulfilling life. After having our first child, my wife wasnt thinking about sex at all. Or some reasons could be the female body experiencing pain, limitations, hormonal imbalances, etc. Awful!!! I have tried individual therapy and that was to no avail. Here is a video explaining mental illness that might help. The first and most important thing you should do if your wife is never in the mood is talk about it. , such as being secretive, avoiding you, or hitting the gym. Im 55 my name is Tom, I havent made love to my wife in nearly 9 years due to her having several medical issues. Life is way too short! Best of luck to you! You ever think about getting some on the side? Truthfully, the solo routine is rather old. She told me that women need estrogen their whole lives, not just up to menopause. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. How can a person be so shallow that they base their lifelong relationship on whether or not their wife can help them empty their balls? We often have no relationship with our partner outside of that shared with the children," OB/GYN Susan Hardwick-Smith, M.D., writes in her book Sexually Woke. Ive communicated my feelings to him many times. Seeing a therapist or speaking with her doctor about her mental health is a step in the right direction to help you recognize the woman you fell in love with. ), then it's worth her talking to her doctor. I am so tired of these therapists and all there lets support the one who doesnt want sex but dismiss the one who is still in love and desires romance more than anything with KEEP MASTURBATING Before the ink was dry on the marriage license, shed already decided she was done being nice. 90% of the letters I read, could have been mine. Harley, yeah I believe men are more likely to complain then women in places like this. I told her that men my age generally took longer to orgasm and for sex to be mutually enjoyable, we both needed to have pleasure. Being refused is an essential part of the life of a person who is proactive in getting his or her wants met.

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