hillingdon council environmental health contact number

traffic, and most roads and environmental health. waste management licenses/environmental permits. Call 020 8424 1093 or write to: PO Box 65 Civic Centre Station Road Harrow HA1 2XG Rented property in disrepair Births, Marriages and Deaths. Friday 9am to 5pm. Alternatively, use the form below: Fields marked with a * are mandatory. Sign into any of your Council accounts from this page. 2023 The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. We will explain how we can treat the problem and . Check out the A - Z of food safety to ensure that the food you, store, prepare and sell is safe to eat. Accident prevention and health at work. Pollution or nuisance issues, e.g noise; pest control services; food hygiene; animal licenses; various courses Environment Agency Public Register web page, Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004, part Aprescribed process authorisations (IPPC), part A2/B prescribed process authorisations (IPPC/IPC). If things go wrong, we want to hear from you, so we can put them right and learn from what has happened. In the event of an outbreak of Legionnaires Disease, we will follow the Car and house alarms can cause problems, often when the householder is on holiday. Email bat@ukhsa.gov.uk for non-clinical enquiries. We use cookies on your computer or mobile device to help make this website better. Details of the locations of all the public toilets within Kensington and Chelsea and their opening times. Information about food alerts which are issued by the Food Standards Agency when food products should not be sold. hillingdon council environmental health contact number. Lichfield District Council. If your call is not urgent you may prefer . Are you pleased with our service? These include: To make an appointment, call theEnvironmental Protection Unit on01895277018. If the disrepair in your rented home is causing you harm or nuisance and you have allowed a 'reasonable' amount of time after informing your landlord in writing that you will report the issue to the council, (step 3 in our article . Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is an NHS Foundation Trust providing health services in North Lancashire, England. Our welfare reform and tenancy support team can carry out awelfare benefit health check to ensure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to. Email phe.wmnoids@nhs.net for clinical . hillingdon council environmental health contact number Author: Published on: fargo school boundary changes June 8, 2022 Published in: jeffrey donovan dancing with the stars Information about requirements of private water supplies including the need to carry out water sampling and risk assessments. Find out how to register for the service or booka collection. Trees. Food registration and approval. UxbridgeUB8 1UWTel: 01895 250111http://www.hillingdon.gov.uk, Deputy Leader of the Council, (Vice-Chairman of the Cabinet) and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, Cabinet Member for Children, Families & Education, Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, An intelligence-led PR company that gets it right. To report an issue to us, emailfoodhealthandsafety@hillingdon.gov.ukor call01895 250190or 01895250111. Tenants can report an unresolved pest problem to the Pest Control Service for enforcement. Make sure all of this information is inthe Births, deaths, marriages and citizenship, Important information in other languages and formats, Frequently asked questions about land contamination, Investigation through Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Health and safety inspections and enforcement, Environmental Health policies and reports, Support and recognition for commitment to employee well-being, Part 2A Soil Investigations at Avondale Park Gardens and Treadgold House. Flooding. Only report to the council if your contact is unsuccessful. Sponsor a tree. Diseo Web y Marketing Estrategico Para Pymes y Profesionales. 2023. If your workplace has a recognised trade union, you can also raise health and safety concerns with your safety representative. Report a problem with a drain. Requests for information arepreferred in writing asking specific questions about a specific site and, where appropriate, accompanied by a location map, indicating the boundary of the site in question. The food hygiene rating scheme is run in partnership with the Food Standards Agency. signpost you to employment and training providers. Before reporting this to us, you must attempt to speak to the person responsible for the noise. Report, pay, apply, appeal, inform or enquire about any of the Council's services. All rights reserved. Request medical waste collection. The Council's pest control service can help you manage any pest issues you may have. Parking permits Planning enforcement School admissions Phone us General enquiries: 01708 434343 (Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm) Text relay service: 18001 01708 434343 Outside of normal hours 01708. High Street Our adviceline is open between 9.30am & 3.30pm, Monday to Friday: Community Advice Linefor non-urgent Police matters, Community Voice (Monitors local community health services), Customer Services (Help with Locata Bids), Department of Social Security: Hayes, Ruislip and Uxbridge, Department of Social Security: Jobseeker Direct, Disablement Association of Hillingdon (DASH), Patient Advice & Liaison Service for the Hillingdon PCT, 020 7251 6577 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 2-4pm and 7-9pm and Fridays, 12noon-2pm, 020 7251 8887 (telephone) or 020 7490 2562 (textphone) on Mondays 11am-1pm and Tuesdays 10am-12 noon, Uxbridge and Yiewsley Area Housing Office, Watford General Hospital (Vicarage Road, Watford). If you wish to report an alarm which is sounding now, and is persistent and for a prolonged duration, call01895 556000. Some of the London boroughs opposing or calling for delays to the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) extension have done the least to support residents 2023. Let us know your thoughts on things that matter to you. Animal welfare and pest control. How Brexit will affectUK Food Businesses. Information on the Council's A to Z of Health and Safety. If you would like to find out whether a particular property had a former land use that may potentially have caused some soil contamination, then please get in touch with the Council's Pollution Regulatory Team. Advice to help protect you during a heatwave. To avoid disturbance to the public, all such alarm systems must be fitted with an automatic cut-out device that operates after a period of not more than 20 minutes following activation of the alarm. Download Councillor Nick Denys contact details as a CSV file. (function(w, d, x, id){ s=d.createElement('script'); s.src='https://d2zasqxhmd6ne4.cloudfront.net/amazon-connect-chat-interface-client.js'; s.async=1; s.id=id; d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); w[x] = w[x] || function() { (w[x].ac = w[x].ac || []).push(arguments) }; })(window, document, 'amazon_connect', '8bea4312-5080-47f3-b9ca-6593a02324a8'); amazon_connect('styles', { openChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#00685e'}, closeChat: { color: '#ffffff', backgroundColor: '#00685e'} }); amazon_connect('snippetId', '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'); amazon_connect('supportedMessagingContentTypes', [ 'text/plain', 'text/markdown' ]); However, persistent barking can constitute a statutory noise nuisance. From 2006, Southwark commenced implementation of a master data management system in conjunction with IBM UK Ltd., intending to rationalise "a number of disparate computerised systems" in use across the range of . DIY covers simple household tasks, such as: DIYdoes not cover larger scale works such as alterations to walls or building an extension(even if the work is carried out by the householder), in which case the hours of work must then belimited to those for larger building works. Housing and Council tax. [103KB]and fill it infor at least 2 weeks, documenting the: Once you have done this, you can make a report on the following types of noise. Sheltered housing Harrow Council provides information on sheltered accommodation in Harrow. Report food poisoning. You should contact your local authority environmental health department if you have a query about the following type of premises: offices (except government offices) shops hotels restaurants. Bolton Council. download a diary sheet (Word doc) Subject *. control services. Report noise car and house alarms DIY noise Noise from DIY activities can be. Contact Environmental Health Home Information for Business Environmental Health and Safer Housing Contact Environmental Health Service requests, enquiries and complaints about the following. Contact details for media enquiries and requests to film in Hillingdon. Contaminated land. Get in touch - Hillingdon Council Home Your council Get in touch Get in touch Report it online It's quick and easy to report issues online - and you can do it any time of the day. Labour Group Office Civic Centre Uxbridge Middlesex UB8 1UW. Friday, 3rd Mar 2023. HSE is responsible for enforcing health and safety at workplaces including: You should contact your local authority environmental health department if you have a query about the following type of premises: You may find this list of enforcing authorities and contact details useful. Report a fallen tree. Our opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm Friday : 9am - 4.45pm Environment, Street services and Planning - 020. Councillor Ian Edwards Download Councillor Jas Dhot contact details as a CSV file. Councillor Jas Dhot. Guidance for food businesses about importing and exporting food. Explore, discover be active in the Royal Borough. Our contact centre provides assistance on key services. We maintain a public register of all cooling towers registered within Hillingdon. Contact details for insurance claims involving council-related injuries and damages. Southwark London Borough Council is the local authority for the London Borough . hillingdon council environmental health contact number. London Boroughs' Legionellosis Incident Protocol (PDF) Has someone gone the extra mile for you? Send in the completed diary sheet with your report so that the need for action can be assessed. Failure to comply with a notice may result in work being carried out in default by the Council and the costs recovered. Our phone lines are busiest on Mondays. It runs Blackpool Victoria Hospital which is a large busy acute hospital; two smaller community hospitals - Clifton Hospital and Fleetwood Hospital; the National Artificial Eye Service; Blenheim House Child Development Centre and community health services for . Infectious diseases.

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