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The Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020
The Copenhagen Declaration of 29-30 November 2002 launched the European strategy for enhanced
cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET), commonly referred to as the “Copenhagen
process”. Today in 2010 on the basis of our 8 years of European cooperation, we have defined the
long-term strategic objectives for the next decade (2011-2020). We have taken into account our past
achievements, current and future challenges, and the underlying principles and ideas of the
Copenhagen process. An overall review of the process by the European Centre for the Development of
Vocational Training (Cedefop), based on a survey in the 27 Member States and Iceland, Norway and
Liechtenstein, facilitated our work, as did a similar report on Croatia, Turkey and the Former Yugoslav
Republic of Macedonia by the European Training Foundation.