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In 2012, DG Enterprise and Industry and DG Education and Culture initialised two transnational events targeting teachers’ preparation for entrepreneurship education. The events took place in May 2012 (Dublin, Ireland) and in September 2012 (Brdo, Slovenia). The aim of the events was to bring together actors involved in teacher education and training in entrepreneurship to present good practice, exchange ideas and learn from each other.
About 170 delegates from more than 30 countries – European Member States as well as Accession Countries and Partner Countries – took part in the two events. Experts presented frameworks and guidelines; and practitioners from schools, teacher training institutions, NGOs and training providers showcased their methods, programmes and projects. Innovative ideas were explored and discussed in workshops and group working sessions. Altogether, a wide variety of areas of action regarding the implementation of entrepreneurship education in teacher education was covered.
This manual aims to showcase a selection of examples of inspiring practice featured through the two events to a wider audience. It highlights the enablers and the success factors of the examples, and provides contact details for more information.
Building on this, it provides a selection of practical recommendations developed as a result of the events, hoping to inspire practitioners to take action and continue with their own activities to enable teachers for entrepreneurship education.