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This report is presents the key findings of the research in three main sections; each section presenting evidence for impacts related to a specific type of input:
- Impact of national and regional entrepreneurship education strategies (Section 3).
- Impact of institutional changes by prioritising entrepreneurship education (Section 4).
- Impact of classes; courses and modules of entrepreneurship education (Section 5).
- Section 2 outlines the means through which it is anticipated that entrepreneurial education can generate impacts.
- Section 6 presents key trends and observations regarding the methodologies used for measuring impact of entrepreneurship education.
- A final section, based on the evidence of impact collected, presents key lessons learnt for maximising the impact of entrepreneurship education (Section 7).
- Annex 1 explains the approach to conducting the research.
- Annex 2 provides background information to those cases providing evidence of the impact of individual entrepreneurship education measures and initiatives.
- Annex 3 presents a list of literature and sources used.